How does it work?

Here are the Steps By Steps of what it looks like when ordering a Generator from Generator Tech Ottawa Inc.

Proudly Selling KOHLER #1 Generator for Consumers

Step 1 – Purchase/Estimation

The Process begins by receiving a personal estimate from one of our Sales Agents at Generator Tech Ottawa Inc. The estimates is valid for 30 days.

During the initial phone call, the Sales Agent will provide a preliminary estimate. If you would like to pursue this further, we will book an onsite visit with you to plan the install – best location for the generator and measurements for the electrical wires and gas line for a more accurate estimate.

Step 2 – Delivery

Once Step 1 is completed and the estimate has been accepted/approved, a delivery date will be arranged. Delivery includes dropping off the Transfer Switch and preparing the chosen location by levelling the ground and placing the generator on a concrete pad in preparation of the final hook up date.

Step 3 – Gas Connection

Gas connection will generally be scheduled a few days after delivery of the generator.

The generator will be connected to the source of your natural gas or propane. This work will be performed by a certified gas fitter.

Step 4 – Electrical Connection

Electrical connection generally occurs a few days after the gas is connected, at a time/day convenient to the homeowner.

Your local utility will disconnect the power to your home in order to allow the electrician to install the new ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch). The ATS is designed to automatically transfer the supply of power from its primary source (hydro) to the back up source (generator) when it senses a power failure or outage.

Step 5 – Startup & Commission

The start up and commission of your brand new KOHLER Generator is the final step. Our team will install the battery and heaters for the battery and carburetor for improved cold weather starting. A technician will connect the generator to your Network (Router) and walk you through the installation and functions of the OnCue Plus application on your mobile phone or tablet.

The final step is a power transfer test. The technician will simulate a power outage which demonstrates how your new generator will automatically start and restore power to your home in seconds.

Enjoy your new KOHLER Generator

Enjoy the security and peace of mind that your new KOHLER Generator provides. You can be worry free and confident that your lights and power will remain on during power outages.